Concetta La Placa is an Italian poet, writer. She is a author of short stories also for children and an Italian aphorist. She started writing and composing poesie at the age of 15 year.
Born in Sicily, she has lived in Rome since 2006.
She is married, mother of two children and grandmother of three grandchildren.
She has worked as a ministerial official in the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies. As of 1 April 2024, she will take early retirement.
She has translated some poems from English into Italian for internationally renowned poets such as: NilavroNill Shoovro, Santosh Kumar Pokharel, Francesca Misai and others.
Today, she is present on the international poetry scene because she has published her poems and several short stories (some of them also dedicated to children) in numerous prestigious anthologies, both poetic and literary, published by leading Italian and international publishers.
She has published several collections of her poems.
The first anthology, in print and E-Book, in 2021 on Amazon, entitled 'Cosmic Love and Emotions in the Wind’ with the 'Munir Mezyed Foundation for Arts and Culture
of Romania', of which she is also a member. This sylloge was edited by Bangladesh's editor-in-chief and international poet, Nurul Hoque that collaborated with the aforementioned Foundation.
The volume contains 54 poems in Italian (IBSN 139798711159445).
The second is a Syllogue of 15 poems, published on paper and entitled Floating Emotions, published by the San Remo-based publishing house Vitale, in 2023.
she also wrote a syllogue with five unpublished poems, which were subsequently incorporated into the
her first and already mentioned book 'Cosmic Love and Emotions' and for which, at the 'VI Premio Internazionale Città' di Sarzana - Ass. Culturale. Only Poets on 13-14-15 July 2018', she was awarded the Diploma of Merit in the presence of a qualified jury.
Another her seven poems in the printed anthology Luci Sparse by AA. VV. also from this well-known Roman publishing house, denominated 'Pages' in 2023.
(IBSN 978-88-3373-783-6).
In May 2024, she published two Syllogies. Each contains 15 poems by the author. Their titles are: 'EMOZIONI, AMORE, RICORDI IN SICILIA IN VERSI'.
The second is titled 'VERSES OF PEACE, LOVE, FAITH AND FREEDOM - An Effective Antidote Against All Wars'. Both of these latest Sillogi are published by Calogero Vitale editore- Sanremo
In October 2024, she published another sylloge of 15 poems all dedicated to loved ones entitled "Poems dedicated to...".
She has also published many of her poems in the most important anthologies of Various Authors and in E-Books and magazines of literary and poetic culture on the Italian and international scene, in particular from the following countries: Italy, Brazil, America (New York, Minnesota), Serbia, India, Nepal, Brazil (Rio De Janeiro), Morocco, Portugal, Argentina, Egypt USA, Messico etc.-.
Recent anthologies include:
-The anthology 'POETRY: THE LANGUAGE BEYOND BORDERS', edited by the Team of Writers International Edition 2024.
-THE MOUNTAIN WAS ABUZZ - POEMS ON HIMALAYA ANTHOLOGY, edited by Toolika Rani. The book was presented at the Kathmandu International Mountain Film Festival last May in the presence of numerous mountaineers legendary mountaineers, mountain filmmakers and mountain lovers.
In national and international poetry competitions, Concetta La Placa has received numerous prizes and honourable and merit mentions.
The author has given and published important interviews in prestigious Italian and international newspapers and magazines such as:
-LA BURIGANGA, a national monthly news magazine, as in October 2021and in October 2024 - Editor Nurul Hoque.
-Simone Taormina's Comic Book Corner;
- Quill Compendium of Writers Capital International Foundation, etc.
- In international programmes such as EN ALAS DEL FENIX - RADIO KRYSOL INTERNATIONAL.
- On a Canadian radio station, ANGEENA INTERNATIONAL Non Profit Organisation " IN THE LIVE VIRTUAL POETRY TALK SHOW" on Saturday 3 July 2021 Canada, 11.00 am,Bangladesh 9.00 pm; Italy 5.00 pm.
-In many other well-known Magazines and Newspapers such as: 'La Voce del Nisseno, a periodical local magazine whose director is Michele Bruccheri, etc.-.
- She has also published in the following issues of PRODIGY MAGAZINE: from October 2023; February 2024; May 2024; September 2024. And in the PRodygy Magazine Prayer 2024.
-She published in several issues of different years of the well-known monthly poets' magazine O. P. A. (OUR POETRY ARCHIVE), edited by NilavroNill Shoovro, the last issue in which he published three of his poems is that of dicember 2024 V- 10 N-9, Number -117.
-In the February 2024 V-9 No. 11 Issue No. 107 (POEMS OF CHILDHOOD), she published her interview and was Poet of the Month.
-On 10 July 2024, a poem by the author was officially published in the Anthology
Annual Poetry Anthology of the OPA 2024, on the theme FAREWELL TO WAR, within which a poem by the author was published.
-She also edited the Italian translation of several poems also NilavroNill Shoovro, poet and eh the pl m , poems and
translations that he himself published on his
blog, and also by other poets such as: Santosh Kumar Pokharel, Nepalese (literary work published in July in a Nepalese magazine), and Ali Imran, a poet living in Washington (North America), And Francesca Misasi.
-She has published in the prestigious Spanish magazine Azahar, edited by José' Luis Rubio Zarzela. Her poems have been
published in numbers 121-128-130- 131 and 132.
-Also in the Anthology of Vitrine Cultural - AMCL in 2023 and in that of 2024, edited by Prof. Djalma Pinheiro from Rio De Janeiro - Brasiliera.
-She published poems and stories for children in the differentannual issues of the Anthology "San Lorenzo - Un Faro Para Los Ninos" in the years 2022-2023-2024 in San Lorenzo in Argentina.
Her poems have also been published in the various anthologies and literary magazines of the various competitions, organized in the years 2022 and to date until June 2024, such as the "Gruppo QuiNoi" edited by the poet and publisher Luciano Zampini, POETANDO BY Raffaella Casassa, Parole Nuove Nel Tempo by Luciana Latini, Graziella Dimiliti's Suggestions.etc..
In several of the aforementioned competitions and dynamic events of various groups in which she participated with her written and not a few poems, then also published, the author has also been awarded several times, as in the poetic groups: ATHZIRI POETRY; MONEY OF POETRY and again Ecos De Alma, Nella Stanza della Poetry by Carmela Livorno of the Poetic Group ATELIER DI POETRY AND LITERATURE and El Colectivo Cultual International Utopia Poetica Universal IOS Poetas Mad Grandes Del Mundo todassul filiales Y’el. Consejo Mundial De Paz, Academia Literaria del Canto de las Misas.
She then participated with one of her poems, winning a prize of merit, at the International Biennial of Agio-Iconography graphics by Writers Capital Foundation in 2023.
She participated in the International Festival of Panorama 2022 (with the theme: SHOONIA, Heavenly Void Internationaly) and at the International Letter Festival culture 2024 (AGNI: The Fire-Ignite The Spark).
-Her poems have been published twice in the online blog, edited by Agron Shele (Belgium).
-In "Poets in Progress - Poetic Proposals", a blog edited by Valenotina Ciurleo.
-She published her poems on Alessandria Today and also in multilingual version (Italian, English, Spanish and Catalan with translation by Joan Jose Barcelo).
-She published her poems in the world literature of prestigious magazine "The Daily Global Nation - AMAZING
WORLD POETS; in the magazine of Arabic poetry and literature
AL-Masida Magazine n. 64 20 JANUARY 2024 NAD No. 66 February 10, 2024 Rajab. - In WORDSMITH International Editorial Issue 32 May 2024;
-in the newspaper magazine "LA VOICE OF NISSENO" directed by Michele Bruccheri of the 21st January 2021.
- in the Polis Magazino online an article intitled : Reflection on the value of kindness Author, Concetta La Placa, in the 17/07/2024.
- in the Polis Magazino online two poems, author, Concetta La Placa, in 30/11/2024.
In the special edicion of n. 4 of newspaper magazine MIRIADE was a idea and a sequel of book SOPRAVVISSUTE With the patronage dell'ONU, Cattedra delle Donne, Wikipoesia, Wikipace e Accademia Tiberina.
The graphics, the cover and the layout created by the director, poet, Academico, scrittore ed editore della rivista internazionale Dibran Fylli nonché Semi Haxhiu l'editore della Casa Editrice FAST PRINT -
During the COVID period, she participated in: INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF ARTS AND THE ODYSSEY CULTURE, organized by the Munir Mezyed Foundation
For Art and Culture Romania.
-Event to celebrate WOMEN'S DAY, organized from the Munir Mezyed Foundation for Arts and Culture Romania.
-She also recently published one of her poems on the topic of the "child soldier" in the 1st issue of the RRM3 magazine
RENAISSANCE-RENAISSANCE Millennium III by Prof. George Onsy. The main theme of the 1st issue - War/Terrorism/Violence.
Finally, many of her poems have been reviewed by a great Italian poet such as Lorenzo Landini and by the great international literary critic, war journalist, illustrator and multifaceted artist, Rasim Maslic, who provided illustrations artistic, created specifically to accompany these reviews.
The author Concetta La Placa is also Italian ambassador for culture and peace in the organisation of FICH, Forum
International Forum for Creativity and Humanity, president Aziz Mountassir.
She has published her poems in the magazines and blog of the organisation FICH (International Forum for Creativity and Humanity), chaired by Ambassador as well as President and Dr Aziz Mountassir.
Her books, one poem of hers , a short biography and the painting that was created by the Sicilian artist and poet Ketty La Rosa, on canvas depicting Concetta La Placa as one of the Ladies of the 19th century (Belle Epoque), exhibited together with the other paintings of the other Dames/authors and artists present, were also included in the Art Catalogue of the same exhibition 'DEJA' - VU', an art exhibition curated by the artist and author Ketty La Rosa and the sculptor Licia Massella, at the
sculptor Licia Massella’s , art gallery, in Bussolengo (Verona) from 4 May 2024 until 2 June 2024, an exhibition that was a huge success with the public and was sponsored by the Culture Department of the Municipality of Bussolengo.
The aforementioned author and poet has also published several video poems on YouTube over the years. Many of these are declaimed by the unmistakable and wonderful voice of Rodolfo Vettor.
È nei più piccoli
che sorridono sempre
con gioia e felicità.
È nel cuor dei più piccoli
che dimora la più grande
e dilagante tenerezza.
Loro stessi sono dono prezioso,
perché intrisi
di purezza e innocenza.
In loro mai allignerà
l’infida invidia
e la malvagia cattiveria.
In loro splende solo luce,
senza alcuna ombra
di vendetta o rancore.
Vibra nei loro sguardi
amore puro
anche per noi adulti.
It's in the little ones
who always smile with joy and happiness.
It is in the hearts of the little ones
which inhabits the largest
and rampant tenderness.
They themselves are a precious gift,
because they are soaked
of purity and innocence.
It will never grow into them
treacherous envy
and wicked wickedness.
Only the light shines in them,
without any shadow
of revenge or resentment.
It vibrates in their looks
pure love
even for us adults.
Fondato da: Francesca Gallello
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