Nasir Aijaz, hailing from the historic Bhiria town of Sahiti district Naushehro Feroze, and based in Karachi, the capital of Sindh province of Pakistan, since 1976, is basically a journalist and researcher having spent over 48 years in the field of journalism. He won Gold Medal and another award for best reporting in 1988 and 1989. He has worked in key position of editor for newspapers and news agencies. He also worked as a TV Anchor (For Pakistan Television) for over a decade and conducted some 400 programs from 1982 to 1992 besides appeared as analyst in several programs on private TV channels. He also did dozens of programs on Radio Pakistan and some other private Radio channels. He is author of ten books on history, language, literature, travelogue and biography. One of his books ‘Hur – The Freedom Fighter’, a research work on war against the British colonial forces, also won a prize. Some of his other books are unpublished. Further, he translated a poetry book of Egyptian poet Ashraf Aboul Yazid, into Sindhi language, which was published in Egypt. Besides, he has written around 500 articles in English, Urdu and Sindhi, the native language of Sindh. He is editor of Sindh Courier, an online magazine and represents The AsiaN, an online news service of South Korea with regular contribution for eleven years. His articles have also been translated in Arabic and Korean languages. Some of his English articles were published in Singapore and India and Nigeria. He writes poetry in his native language Sindhi, and English. Very recently, some of his poems have been translated into Albanian, Italian, Arabic, Turkish and Greek languages and published there besides in Arabic language published in Egypt, Iraq, Turkey, and Abu Dhabi. His English poems have also been published in Bangladesh, Kosovo, USA, Tajikistan, Greece, Italy and some other countries. Nasir Aijaz is one of the founding members of Korea-based Asia Journalists Association AJA. He has visited some ten Asian countries and attended international seminars. His recent 300 page book is "Maharaja Dahir' which is a translation into Sindhi of Bengali novel authored by Kolkata-based novelist Ms. Debasree Chakraborty. For translation, she arranged English translation, which was translated into Sindhi simultaneously. The book has been well received in Sindh and abroad. Some 26 episodes of Sindhi translation of the novel were published in weekly Hindvasi of Mumbai before the book was published in August 2024.
Memoirs: The Story of Climate Change
I remember the bygone days
When in youthful age
At frosty, chilling nights
We used to buy leathery-shelled peanuts
From a street vender
And enjoy the warmth of quilt
While nibbling the nuts.
And during the summer vacations
We used to rush to the field channel
Flowing near our hometown
To enjoy the mango parties
Sitting under the Neem trees
And rejoice swimming
In the pleasant streamwater.
Our elation didn't end here
On return from the mango party
And the swimming in the field channel
We used to take bath
Pouring buckets over body
Of natural cold water
Pulled from the well in courtyard of home.
Alas, gone are those days
Over the decades,
All has changed
Neither there are frosty winters
Nor the moderate summers
To enjoy the nuts at winter night
And mango parties in summers
At the banks of field channel.
Temperate climate has vanished
When there used to be long winters
And short and mild summers.
Frosty and chilling winters are no more
Now, during the long summers, planet Earth turns into an oven
The sun seems closer to the Earth like a fireball.
Climate continues fast changing
Monsoon passed with scanty rains
The autumn feels like the sweltering summer
Water resources depleting
Wells are no more, field channels dried up
Drought and deforestation threatening.
Every season has now turned to be the autumn
When the river waters begin receding
And the pale, dry leaves start falling
Making the trees bald
Soulless atmosphere overwhelms the evenings.
Fondato da: Francesca Gallello
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