Saturno Magazine, Articolo: ERALIEVA UMUTKAN POLOTOVNA Kirghizistan)



Eralieva Umutkan Polotovna Eralieva Umutkan Polotovna was born on July 12, 1968 in the village of Kok-Zhar in the Nookat district of the Osh region of Kyrgyzstan. Eralieva Umutkan is a poet, writer, publicist. Member of the National Union of Writers of Kyrgyzstan (2011), the Union of Journalists of Kyrgyzstan (2014). Member of the Writers' Union of North America (2021), member of the Eurasian Creative Guild (London) (2021), member of the Singapore Federation of World Culture and Art. Author of ten books. Winner of more than 260 international literary festivals and competitions. His works have been translated into more than 62 languages of the world. Participant of more than 80 world literary almanacs, newspapers, magazines, anthologies, websites. Literary editor of four international English-language journals. Literary editor of the world's popular English-language electronic magazine "Kaviya Kishore", an international hardcover magazine “Luminance" in Bangladesh (Dhaka). General Director of the international online publication Skylark Poetry spi (Dhaka) in Kyrgyzstan. The magazine "World International Editorial Board" (USA). Academician of the Brazilian Literary Academy "Alegro". Awarded the medal "Icon of Peace" of the Institute of Peace in Nigeria (Africa) (2022). Member of the Board of Directors of the Institute for World Peace in Nigeria. Ambassador of the Institute for World Peace in Nigeria. President of Polish (Warsaw) Literary Association (SAPS) in Kyrgyzstan. Ciesart Barcelona (International Chamber of Writers and Artists) and Director of Ciesart-Kyrgyzstan ; VOICES OF FRIENDS POETRY AND ART CONTEST: Finalist certificate “category Poetry” is awarded 6-10 th of May 2022 SHCUCHINSK , BURABAY DISTRICT (KAZAKHSTAN) OF FINALIST category “OPINION JOURNALISM” is awarded XI open EURASIAN LITERATURE FESTIVAL&BOOK FORUM (10-16th of December 2022 Melbourne Australia) OF FINALIST category “PROSE” in nomination CHILDREN BOOK XI open EURASIAN LITERATURE FESTIVAL&BOOK FORUM (10-16th of December 2022 Melbourne Australia) Project Ambassador” Stockholm-2033 " In Kyrgyzstan Ambassador of the International Academy of Ethics (India). Participant of the project “Mario compar Poesia" in Brazil. Ambassador for Peace and Humanity IF CH Morocco; Awarded the Star of Culture Medal of the Columbia Institute of Literature (2023). Medalla de la Estrella Cultural Letras del Pacífico The "Ambassador of Peace" Award of the UN International Organization in the field of peace and human rights. In 2022, the music for the author's song "stop the war" was written by the famous Polish composer Zbigniew Roth. IV Meeting of Writers and Artists "Weaving Brotherhood" Together for the Letters Kyrgyzstan thanks to the hard and tireless work of Umutay Ehralieva Coordinator of HEADQUARTERS №18. Congratulations! Director Mirta Ramirez.

Sono felice di essere venuto al mondo, Nelle notti illuminate dalla luna giacevo nella mia culla, Le leggi della vita si conoscono senza parole, Sono nelle nostre menti: irremovibili, stabili. Le condizioni di vita devono essere rispettate e salvate, Tutto ci è dato dalla natura. Allora tuffiamoci nel mondo di un'onda amorevole, Andiamo nel mondo dei sogni con estasi. In modi diversi vivo nel mondo sublunare, Assaporando le bacche che la natura ci regala, A volte dobbiamo sopportare molto le avversità, Ma i capricci della vita sono naturali. L'esistenza non è un paradiso terrestre? Tutte le creature, l'uomo e la mosca, sono felici insieme. Grazie alla vita. Se la mia vita terrena fosse allegra, bella Morirei con un'anima calma e pacifica.


I am happy that I came into the world, 
In the moonlit nights I lay in my cradle, 
The laws of life are known without the words, 
They're in our minds – unshakable, stable.

Living conditions must be observed and saved,
Everything is given to us by nature.
So let's plunge into the world of a loving wave,
Let's go to the dreamland with a rapture.

In different ways I live in the sublunary world,
Tasting the berries that are given by nature,
Sometimes we have to endure adversity a lot, 
But the vagaries of life are natural.

Isn't existence an earthly paradise?
All creatures, a man and a fly – are happy whole.
Thanks to life. If my earthly life were merry, nice
I would die with a calm and peaceful soul.



Did it come late, or did it get lost?
Only on the threshold of my fortieth birthday,  
Love flew in and changed my life.
I feel the emotion in my heart every day.

I want to hear your velvet voice again, 
I look at you gently; you’re like a light, 
This beautiful bouquet was given by you,
I inhale the scent with great delight.

Shining with a passionate feeling, unchanging,
I sing a song for the whole universe,
I am getting younger for my time, for the century,
Because I glorify true love in my verse!




È arrivato tardi o si è perso?
Soltanto alla soglia del mio quarantesimo compleanno,
L'amore è arrivato e mi ha cambiato la vita.
Sento l'emozione nel mio cuore ogni giorno.

Voglio sentire ancora la tua voce vellutata,
Ti guardo dolcemente; sei come una luce,
Questo bellissimo bouquet è stato regalato da te,
Aspiro il profumo con grande piacere.

Splendente di un sentimento appassionato, immutabile,
Canto una canzone per l'intero universo,
Sto diventando più giovane per il mio tempo, per il secolo,
Perché glorifico il vero amore nei miei versi!


Il mio inimitabile,
Ti prego, perdonami.
Non negherò l'amore.
Carissimo, vedi.

Non offenderti, tesoro,
Non voglio stare separato.
È stato un malinteso
Non prendertela a cuore.

I fiumi non scorrono all'indietro,
Sii la cura per il disturbo.
Sei il mio degno fiore,
Riportiamo l'amore.


My inimitable one, 
Please forgive me. 
I won’t deny love. 
Dearly beloved, you see.

Don't be offended, honey, 
I don't want to be apart.
It was a misunderstanding, 
Don't take it to heart.

Rivers don't flow backward,
Be the cure for the ailment.
You are my worthy flower,
Let's bring love back.





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Fondato da: Francesca Gallello

(+39) Francesca 3383684998

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